- Read the camera's manual. Learn what each control, switch, button, and menu item does.
- Set the camera's resolution to take high quality photos at the highest resolution possible.
- Start with setting your camera to one of its automatic modes, if you have a choice. Most useful is "Program" or "P" mode on digital SLRs.
- Keep the lens clear of caps, thumbs, straps and other obstructions.
- A slower ISO speed (lower number) makes for less noisy photographs; however, it forces you to use slower shutter speeds as well, which restricts your ability to photograph moving subjects, for example. For still subjects in good light (or still subjects in low light, too, if you're using a tripod and remote release), use the slowest ISO speed that you have
- Compose your shot thoughtfully. Frame the photo in your mind before framing it in the viewfinder. Consider the following rules, but especially the last on
- Get rid of distracting backgrounds and clutter. Move positions to avoid trees looking like they are growing out of heads, when they are in the background. Change angles to avoid window glares from across the street. If you are taking vacation photographs, take a moment to get your family to put down all the junk they may be carrying around with them and to remove backpacks or hip packs as well. Keep that mess well out of the frame of the picture, and you will end with much nicer, less cluttered photos. If you can blur the background in a portrait, then do so. And so on
- Try an interesting angle.
- And also the most important thing is to have a good camera and other kit. Nowadays, a good professional camera can be really pricey. And if you don't have the money, don't worry! we are here to help you to obtain the money you need for your camera!

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